...what would the blog world be like if we promoted others more than ourselves? (Beth Stone Studio)Now, Beth's thought was not unique to her, but perhaps that's why it struck me as so important. You see, Beth got that idea after reading a post by another blogger - who also happens to be a long-time friend of mine - Joy, over at Grace Full Mama. The point that I took away from both of their musings was that it was so easy to get wrapped up in how your blog is fairing, how many people are visiting, which post got the most comments, that we forget that we need to think of others more highly than ourselves.
Yes, I was touched that Beth shared a link to one of my blog posts, but more than that, it was a timely reminder that I need to be passing on the good stuff that I find in the blog-o-sphere and sharing the love. If I want people to help get the word out about Busy Nothings, then I need to start spreading the word about other blogs and posts that I have been enjoying. I need to be as free with my promotion of others as I am with my self-promotion. It's a process, and like the chips on the chain links, I'm not perfect, but I'm slowly improving. Less of me being me, more of Him working through me.
{Source - doesn't she have some great pictures?}
That being said, here are some of my favorite recent posts from around the blog world...
Small Notebook {Baby Shower Books} - this is such a smart idea! I love the idea of skipping the card altogether and simply handing over a book for the child to use and enjoy. I'm all for inspiring an early love of reading!
The Reluctant Entertainer {Table Communion} - I loved her quote from Alton Brown. The whole thing was a good reminder that we need to be more intentional about involving our guests in the conversation and actively listening.
Life as MOM {Christmas Countdown} - Coming from a family that has always done Advent boxes, I think this is a lovely little tradition that could be easily attached to the Advent box idea.
Borneo Wife via (in)courage {Guests} - We first met Rebecca and her husband when we were working in Indonesia back in '07/'08, and I continue to enjoy Rebecca's blog - if you haven't checked it out, please do! As we enter the busy holiday season, this post was a timely reminder to put people ahead of schedules and plans.
Borneo Wife via (in)courage {Guests} - We first met Rebecca and her husband when we were working in Indonesia back in '07/'08, and I continue to enjoy Rebecca's blog - if you haven't checked it out, please do! As we enter the busy holiday season, this post was a timely reminder to put people ahead of schedules and plans.
Simple Mom {Eat the Frog} - During a recent email discussion with two lovely ladies, the suggestion was made that we read this short summation of Eat That Frog!
before heading out to buy or borrow the book. It's such a simple concept, but one that I really need to learn!
Little Gumnut {It's OK to Slow Down} - A simple reminder that there are some days when you just need to forget the plan and snuggle on the couch with a cup of tea.
What great sites or blog posts have YOU found lately? Do share!
Little Gumnut {It's OK to Slow Down} - A simple reminder that there are some days when you just need to forget the plan and snuggle on the couch with a cup of tea.
What great sites or blog posts have YOU found lately? Do share!
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