A. I ordered 300 Sensational Soups
B. My (used) Wagner 905 1,500-Watt On-Demand Power Steamer and Cleaner
arrived on Friday and I took it immediately into the bathroom to see what it would do to the mildew in our shower. It still requires some elbow grease, but not as much (thanks to the steam) and no chemicals and the bottom line is that I might be in love. It helps me live out my motto "Work Smarter, Not Harder".
C. We're finally learning how to tell our money where to go. I have no idea why it took us so long to "get it", but I'm happy to report that we're going on four weeks of making extra payments to the principle on our mortgage and building our rainy-day fund and we're not starving. As John Maxwell says, “A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” I feel that Dave Ramsey
would be proud (after he finished shaking his head at our slow learning pace).
D. After seeing this poster and this craft idea on Pinterest, I decided to buy the one and make the other. If you click on the links, you'll see the pins, but my attempts are shown below. I'm pleased with both of them. The "I {heart} you because: ____" is hanging in our bathroom and we're both enjoying leaving little notes. It's a fun little surprise to see when it has been changed by one of us.
And that's it for today, folks. I'm sure I'll think of more little things to share, but I don't want to bore you to death!
What are you finding/loving/sharing this week?
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