
South Beach Diet UPDATE

You might remember that it all started with a desire to fit into this skirt again before our 10th wedding anniversary coming up in June...

But shortly after I wrote that post, we discovered that our "healthy" eating wasn't as healthy as we thought it was, and after researching our options, we decided to try the South Beach Diet plan. I wrote about that decision HERE and HERE. It's been about 2.5 months since we started the change in eating plan (I don't think of it as a diet because diets are always temporary - this is an eating lifestyle change!). For the last month we have been at a standstill. Peter was stuck on a 20 lb. loss and I was stuck on a 9 lb. loss. We reworked the food and exercise plan and in the last week we've each seen the lowest numbers on the scale that we've seen in years. Peter's now down approx. 25 lbs. and I'm down 11.5 lbs. Now...drumroll (and I CANNOT believe I'm posting these pictures!)...

...I'm IN the skirt...but obviously I still have a couple of "problem" areas to work on! ;-) The positive side is that I'm in the skirt and can breathe! The flip side is that I need to get my little New Balance-shod feet down to the treadmill and WALK! :-) One of my "problem" spots is my tummy...

I realize this is only a problem if I plan on wearing straight skirts, but since that's kind of the goal...well...then I guess it's a problem! ;-) So...does anyone have any advice (other than sit-ups - which kill my back!) on how to work on that area?

I'm excited about the progress thus far and I'm thrilled that dear hubby has dropped TWO pant sizes! Are any of you on an I-want-to-wear-a-bathing-suit-at-the-beach-without-wearing-a-tent-to-hide-it-all weight-loss plan? I'd love to hear your stories - the successes and failures - and your tips for keeping cravings at bay. So stop and say hello before you head off to another blog! :-) Until next time... 


  1. Good job you two! ;) Something that works the abs...jumping rope! Also raising knee and touching to opposite elbow works those abs. Cravings, well I try to fill up on stuff like veggies & high fiber foods. Raw almonds have also been my go to snack. 14 almonds is roughly 98 calories & they really help fill me up. I try to eat the good fats from olives, avocados, nuts and flax seeds because they help me feel satisfied/full. Chewing gum hellos my sweet tooth or a bit of dark chocolate or berries with light whipped cream.

  2. Oh yeah, planks & pushups for the abs too! ;)


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