
Becoming Intentional

I've previously discussed how we are working towards becoming Purposeful (as individuals, as a couple, and as Believers) in creating goals, and how staying Focused will help us reach those long (and short)-term goals. This week I'm offering up a third word for 2012: Intentional. Is there a goal-penalty for double-usage of a word? I apparently have a bad memory, because I just realized that I selected Intentional as our word of 2010 (after-the-fact) - guess it's a good goal to continue working towards, eh?


While there is very little difference between Purposeful and Intentional (in fact, one is the synonym of the other), there is a slight difference in how I view them. When Peter and I decided that we needed to create a Statement of Purpose, the idea was of an overarching goal, a filter through which we sent every major decision to see if it supported and furthered that purpose, or if it was merely a distraction. Once we created a purpose as a filter, we could focus on the goals that made it through and start planning how to make those goals a reality without becoming distracted.

Now that the plans are in place (with some wiggle room for those unexpected curve balls that life likes to throw), we're working towards becoming Intentional about making those plans happen. We are making intentional choices about how we use our resources (time and money), creating deadlines to give ourselves a time frame in which to work, and taking action instead of simply making another list or talking about what we should do.

Let's take the Project House as an example. Instead of saying, "Finish the PH in 2012" (too general), we need to select a deadline (rent-ready by the August races), make a comprehensive list of everything that needs to be done, and then break it down in to monthly bite-sized goals that we can intentionally work towards. Giving ourselves a deadline forces us to figure out the $-amount needed each month to complete the job (focus on finances), and then prioritize the work (1-New Roof, 2-New Windows, 3-Insulation, etc.), which will give us a concrete plan of attack. If the roof comes first, then we start getting estimates. Once we have an estimate, we have a financial goal to work towards, and each step builds upon the previous one.

I honestly don't know if we'll make the August deadline, but if we have nothing to aim for, then I have a feeling that we'll still be talking about how we need to work on the PH in January 2013. After all, if you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time, right? Just one more reason to make:

our 3rd Word of 2012



What are you working on in 2012?


  1. Love it! My sister and I had a similar conversation about being intentional recently. For 2012 I'm working on being intentional and reasonable/realistic (I always seem to think I have more time than I do).

  2. Irish Carter@Carrie...I love your goal planning. I look forward to watching you and Peter reach this awesome goal of yours this year. I am not quite ready to post publicly what my BIG GOAL of 2012 is yet. Hopefully this spring. = )

  3. Thanks Virginia and Irish! Blessings to you both as you plan out YOUR reasonable/realistic goals (but aim high too!)!


A reminder: there are more than 400,000 words in the English language, please use them wisely.


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